
From captivating podcasts and compelling audiobooks to memorable commercials and innovative sound design, we offer high-quality sound that evokes emotions and clearly conveys messages. From our studio in Munich, we create auditory experiences that make stories and brands unforgettable.



Interviews capture the essence of a message and convey it authentically and clearly. The audience is captivated by engaging conversations and deep insights.


Podcasts that not only inform but also entertain. With compelling content and top-notch sound quality, the audience remains continuously engaged.

Sound logos and jingles

Memorable sound logos and jingles make a brand unmistakable. Audio identities are created that are instantly recognizable and evoke emotions.


Commercials for Spotify, podcasts, or radio reach the target audience directly and effectively. Clear messages, emotional sound, and professional execution make the difference.

Sound design

Creative sound design perfectly complements visual content and elevates it to a new level. Whether for film, advertising, or gaming – projects are brought to life acoustically.


  • For a short HipHop track about the CRM HubSpot, we handled all production steps, from lyric development and studio recording to beat production and audio mixing & mastering. The finished project was then published on various streaming services, showcasing our extensive expertise in audio production.
  • For the Swiss delivery service, we developed the “Child’s Play” campaign aimed at increasing app downloads and shifting customers from phone orders to the app. The nationwide TV commercial covered the entire production chain: from concept development, scriptwriting, and storyboarding to directing, casting, and license management, all the way through to post-production. In collaboration with the production company Embassy of Dreams and Ari, we created a visually appealing and targeted commercial.
  • For’s Peppaward Gala, we took on the entire event concept and management, including organizing the gala evening and award ceremony. Our work particularly involved the intro film and interim animations, which we fully realized from conception through editing and sound design to voice casting and dubbing. The CGI animations were also created by our team.
  • For this commercial, we optimized existing footage through professional editing, sound design, and dubbing for in-stream video ads on YouTube. This allowed us to present the brand message in a targeted and platform-appropriate manner.
  • Using detailed storyboards, filming, stock footage, and professional editing, we developed corporate videos that were published on the website, YouTube, and social media channels. The project also included voice casting and sound design in multiple languages.
  • For “Caroline”, a 2D animated avatar for explainer videos about C-Line's products and services, we handled the complete in-house audio production. Our services included concept development, scriptwriting, sound design, voice casting, and audio recording for the animations.
  • Continuing the concept, we produced another corporate video that highlights employees through interviews, thoroughly explaining the company’s services and concepts. The professional shoot with real employees took place under our direction in an external film studio.
  • Cinematic coverage of a company event. In addition to branding the location with suitable decorations, we provided creative editing and the appropriate sound selection to perfectly showcase the event documented on-site.